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mask update
As of April 3 of 2023, the Washington State Department of Health will end the Secretary of Health Mask Order, which requires masks to be worn in healthcare facilities. This means that masks will now be optional at our clinic, but please keep in mind that your therapist may wear a mask, or ask you and your child to wear a mask based on personal circumstances.
As always, we will still continue to follow policies with health. This means that we may ask you to wear a mask in our clinic if you have tested positive or been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 10 days OR You are experiencing ANY of the following symptoms:​
Shortness of breath
Fever (within 24hrs)
Cough/sore throat
Fatigue/muscle pain
Loss of taste or smell
Runny nose or sneezing
*Children taking antibiotics for contagious conditions should remain home for the first 24 hours after beginning treatment.
We still do not have a waiting room inside the building and in order to avoid overcrowding in the front office, we ask that you continue using the same process we have been when you arrive for your appointment. Please wait in your car or outside of the building, and call 360-756-1495 to let us know that you have arrived. Your therapist will come out to get you shortly.