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Kid Jumping Trampoline

Kid Jumping Trampoline

Kids Painting

Kids Painting

Teacher and Pupil

Teacher and Pupil

Child with Slime

Child with Slime

Child Brushing Teeth

Child Brushing Teeth

Scoop of Ice Cream

Scoop of Ice Cream

Pediatric Occupational Therapists can help children to succeed in important areas of their lives. OTs support children in their home life or school life by helping them gain independence, and by strengthening the development of fine motor, sensory motor and visual motor skills that children need to function and socialize.


**If interested, please call our office and request to be put on our OT waitlist. The current wait is about 3 to 6 months.

Signs that your child may benefit from OT services...

  • Your child gets easily overwhelmed, or has tantrums often

  • Your child is having any of these experiences in school:​​

    • Struggles to pay attention​

    • Has messy handwriting

    • Puts their head down excessively

  • Eats only a few select foods

  • Has trouble completing daily routines

  • Struggles with tooth brushing, bathing, or other self care activities

Skills that OT services can support...

  • Meeting developmental milestones

  • Self care skills

  • Feeding and mealtime routines

  • Fine motor, gross motor, and visual motor skills

  • Sensory processing

  • Play and social skills

  • Navigating routines and transitions

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