It's what communicating is all about
Baby |
Baby Holding Parent |
Baby with Toys |
Mother and Baby on Floor |
surprised baby |
Baby Crawling |
Crib Mobile |
Baby Stretches |
Our goal is to help your babies and children eat successfully, move, grow, and develop normally. Physical Therapy at Connections provides developmental motor physical therapy, manual physical therapy/bodywork, and feeding therapy for babies and children. Connections offers a unique and complementary multifaceted approach to treating babies and infants with feeding and movement challenges, as well as specific tethered oral issues (tongue, lip, and cheeks ties).
We work closely with pediatric dentistry and lactation specialists for a team approach to tethered oral issues affecting feeding, movement, and structural dysfunction. We are diligent in the work we do to promote normal infant development, with as little stress as possible, that will support normal growth and development for years to come.
We treat babies with signs/symptoms such as..
Grunting & distressed pooping
Body stiffness
Breast preference while nursing
Spit up/reflux symptoms
C-curved body
Recessed chin
High palate
Poor nursing latch
Clicking sounds during nursing
Frustration or fatigue at the breast
Mom’s suffering form recurring mastitis or clogged ducts
History of very fast or long labor
Flat or misshapen head
C-curved body
Torticollis avoids looking R/L
Deep neck creases
Red creases in neck line
Furrowed brow
Head tilts to one side
Fisted hands and turtle neck/shoulders shrugged
Inability to open mouth wide
Uneven mouth opening
Hates car seat
Hates tummy time
Poor weight gain
Low lying tongue
We do interventions such as..
Relieve tension stress in the body and head
Assessment and treatment of Plagiocephaly, Scaphocephaly, and Brachycephaly
Pre and post tongue tie release therapy
Stretching, eliminating stiffness
Tummy time prescription
Neuromuscular re-education
ROM body, neck and trunk
Gross Motor Development